Sections on this page:
- Premier Links
- Recently added resources -- updated March 4, 2013. As new resources are added, some of these will gradually find their way into the topical links in other sections.
- Resources of World Council of Churches
- Links to Specific Groups
- Gateways Links
- Research Centers and Institutions
- History and Archives
- Diaspora Quick Links
Premier Links
- Africa
- Africana
- Armenia Diaspora
- Asian Diaspora
- Chinese Diaspora
- Bibliography of the South Asian Diaspora and East Africa: an annotated bibliography
- Bi-lingual (English & French) Pan Africa news update
- Border Crossings (with list of helpful links)
- Filipino Diaspora & OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers)
- Migration Information Source
- South Asian
Recently added resources -- updated March 4, 2013.
- A large event was promoted from 7-9 January, 2013, by the Indian government, entitled "Engaging Diaspora: The Indian Growth Story", with an attempt to attract non-resident Indians from abroad. Especially note the downloadable theme paper from the event, as well as schedule, etc.
- The book about migration from Kerala, India, Malayali Diaspora: From Kerala to the Ends of the World, has been published in 2013, edited by Sam George & T.V. Thomas. A film about a Kerala immigrant story, and the struggles faced in the life of a housemaid in the Gulf, is treated in the wikipedia article about Khaddama. A novel from 2008, entitled Goat Days, is described as the best novel from that year about the life of immigrants coming from Kerala to the Gulf states.
- Those wishing to understand the social costs of migration may purchase India Migration report 2013: Social Cost of Migration, by Dr. Iridaya Rajan (a leading resercher on Indian diaspora).
- The article about the Indian diaspora from the perspective of a highly informed Japanese scholar: "Sri Lankan Tamils have played a major role in globalizing Hinduism, says Japanese scholar Yamashita." Published February 16, 2013.
- Three articles are highlighted from the 29 January, 2013, Lausanne Global Analysis bimonthly publication. The entire publication can be downloaded from
- "The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on Ministry to Muslims", by Thomas Harvey, 29 January, 2013.
- "European Immigration Policy: Lessons and Challenges for the Church". Article by Darrell Jackson. 29 January, 2013.
- "In Focus: A 21st Century Babel!" Article by Peter Brierley. 29 January, 2013.
- Rethinking Missiology in the context of the 21st Century: Global Demographic Trends and Diaspora Missiology. Article by Dr. Enoch Wan. Downloadable PDF - 130k.
- "The Missiological Challenge of our Changing Continent." Michael Pocock, DTS, 2003.
- Cultural Change and Your Church: Helping Your Church Thrive in a Diverse Society, by Michael Pocock.
- The American Community Survey (US Census) published a 22-page publication in May, 2012, entitled The Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2010. JD Payne blogged about this in his article, "The Nations in This Nation", in his Missiologically Thinking blog on May 15.
- New book on Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice, by Enoch Wan with case studies contributed by several others. Published 1/31/2012. (also available on Amazon)
- Why People Move: A Prolegomenon to Diaspora Missiology by Tereso C. Casiño, Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Korea, TTJ 13.1 (2010):19-44
- Connext 2011, a bi-annual gathering of those involved with the south Asian diasporas, has already taken place. An interview with evangelist TV Thomas can be viewed here.
- "Migration Theories across Disciplines" is table 1 from the introduction of the book Migration Theory: Talking across the Disciplines, by Caroline Brettell and James F. Hollifield.
- Migration to rich countries slows down sharply - report from the business section of BBC, Oct 7, 2010.
- Diaspora Networks and the International Migration of Skills: How Countries Can Draw on Their Talent Abroad. World Bank publication, edited by Yevgeny Kuznetsov, 2006.
- ‘Foreign wives' and what it means to be Taiwanese by Peter Martin.
- Disapora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice. New book soon to be launched by Enoch Wan.
- Global People and Diaspora Missiology. Video presentation by Dr. Enoch Wan at Tokyo 2010. 49 minutes.
- Global Diaspora Network
- Announcement: Global Diaspora Network Formed Oct 19, 2010 - By Sadiri Joy Tira: Find and share articles, videos, research and links regarding Blog on The Lausanne Global Conversation.
- Global Diaspora Network Video
- African Black Diaspora Global Network
- Global Diaspora Network Meets for First Time in Paris
- Global Diaspora Network video on YouTube
- Global Diaspora Network video on Ethné to Ethné
- Global Diaspora Networks on Diaspora Matters
- Global Diaspora Network Holding Event on Faith News Network
- Global Diaspora Network on Facebook
- Migration Policy Institute
- African studies at Columbia University
- Museum of the African Diaspora
- Global Diaspora Forum by the International Network for Economics and Conflict
- Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit
- African Diaspora Network
- Implications on HIV/AIDs due to African diaspora by ABDGN. See document
- Import and Export Education by Diaspora Matters
- International Education by Diaspora Matters
- Attracting Diaspora Students by Diaspora Matters
- Regional Diaspora Networks by Diaspora Matters
- 10 key steps for the future of philanthropy by Diaspora Matters
- Knowledge and Skills for the New Economy gives access to the WorldBank's search for diaspora-related documents related to this project. A good example of resources on this site is: Diasporas of Highly Skilled and Migration of Talent with links to still other resources
Resources of World Council of Churches
- Religious Plurality in the Context of Globalization: Introductory Reflections
- The Global Campaign for Ratification of the Convention on Rights of Migrants
- Uprooted People Quarterly Newsletter
Links to Specific Groups
- African Diaspora
- Angola Diaspora
- Armenian Diaspora
- Belarusian Diaspora
- Chinese Diaspora
- Congolaise
- Filipinos in the Diaspora
- Greek Diaspora Newspapers
- Haitian Diaspora
- Hispanic Diaspora
- Indian Diaspora
- Irish Diaspora
- Research Insitute of Irish and Scottish Studies
- Jewish Diaspora
- Latin American Resources
- CLACSO (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales)
- ArtMattan Productions
- Bembe Records
- Blacks in Latin America and the Caribbean: Selected Bibliographic Sources
- Electronic Guide to the West Indian Diaspora in Middle America
- Foro de las Américas por la Diversidad y la Pluralidad
- Global Afro Latino and Caribbean Initiative
- Palestinian Diaspora
- Polish
- Romania
- Slovak Diaspora
- South Asian & Indian Diaspora
- Sudanese in Diaspora
- Tatar Diaspora
- The Viking Diaspora
- Western Indian Diaspora
- The Indian Diaspora
- South Asian Diaspora
- African Diaspora
- The Neolithic Diaspora in Europe
Gateways Links
- Border Crossings: Diaspora - a list of websites relating to Diaspora studies
- The WWW Virtual Library on Migration and Ethnic Relations - provides links to a range of related sites
- The Transnational Communities Programme -- site provides links to other sites on migration, ethnicity and Diaspora studies
Research Centers and Institutions
- The Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) -- migration dynamics in the UK and EU
- The Runnymede Trust -- independent think tank on ethnicity and cultural diversity in Britain
- Institute of Race Relations
- The Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations (CRER) -- race, migration and ethnic relations in UK
- The Sussex Centre for Migration Research
- The Refugees Studies Centre
- European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations --international migration, ethnic relations, racism and ethnic conflict in European context
- The Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies -- diaspora studies in Australia
- The Institute of Global Cultural Studies -- multi-disciplinary study of culture & migrants
- The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies --an interdisciplinary, multinational research on international migration and refugee movements
History and Archives
- Moving Here -- Caribbean, Irish, Jewish and South Asian communities in England
- Black Presence: Asian and Black History in Britain 1500-1850 -- Black and Asian history in Britain from 1500 to 1850
- The CASBAH -- Caribbean Studies and the history of Black and Asian peoples in the UK
- South Asian Diaspora
- The Centre for Applied South Asian Studies --Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities within Britain
- SAWNET (South Asian Women NETwork) - a forum for South Asian women's issues
- SAJA Stylebook for Covering South Asia & the South Asian Diaspora Hindi and Hindu
- African-Caribbean Diaspora
- Caribbean Communities in Europe (CACOEU) the Caribbean in Europe.
- Society for Caribbean Studies (UK) for education and research about the Caribbean Diasporas.
- Chinese Diaspora
- The Chinese Diaspora site is a general site on the Chinese Diaspora with links to other sites.
- The Centre for the Study of the Southern Chinese Diaspora (CSCSD) -- Sino-Southeast Asians and Sino-Australasians
- Huayinet: Chinese overseas databank -- Inter-Agency Committee on Chinese Overseas Databank, Singapore.
Diaspora Quick Links
- African Diaspora Studies Links
- African Diaspora (Universal Black Pages)
- African Diaspora Links (Columbia U.)
- Belonging and Diaspora: The Chinese and the Internet
- Music from Africa and the African Diaspora
- Anasazi Diaspora
- Armenian Diaspora
- Cybernauts of the Arab Diaspora
- Diaspora: A Journal in Transnational Studies
- Diaspora Polska
- Baganda in the Diaspora
- Chinese Diaspora
- Diaspora Jews, Romans, Others in The Greek Style Cities of the First Century Crimea
- Hellenic Diaspora
- Hmong Diaspora
- International Migration
- Iranian Diaspora, Pre-Islamic
- Jewish Diaspora History
- Beth Hatefutsoth, the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora
- Reversed Dtaspora: Russian Jewry the Transition in Russia and the Migration to Israel
- Irish Diaspora Studies
- Indian Diaspora
- Migrations: Humanity in Transition
- The New Moslem Diaspora
- Neolithic Diaspora in Europe
- Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre
- Persian Diaspora
- Ukranian Diaspora by Region
- Slovaks Abroad and the Diaspora
- South Asian Diaspora
- South Asian Diaspora literature in English
- Tatar Diaspora outside the Republic of Tatarstan
- Migration Dialogue, Migration News & Rural Migration News
- Migration and Ethnicity on H-Net
- The Viking Diaspora
Disclaimer: Global Missiology does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information contained in these resource websites. Inclusion of resources does not serve as a recommendation or endorsement of resources listed. Resources included are presented for informational purposes only.
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