- Baptist Bible Fellowship International
- Baptist Bible Fellowship Int'l World Mission Service
- Baptist Missions to Forgotten People
- International Mission Board, Southern Baptist
- Conservative Baptist International
Billy Graham Center
- Lutheran Bible Translators
- Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- Lutheran Church Missouri Synod World Mission
United Methodist
World Evangelical Alliance
- AERDO: Assoc. of Emergency Relief and Dev. Org.
- Brethern in Christ World Missions
- Brigada
- Christ for All Nations
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- CrossGlobal Link (formerly IFMA)
- Directory of Development Organizations
- Disciple The Nations
- European Christian Mission I'ntl
- Evangelical Free Church I'ntl Missions
- FactCheck: Hold Politicians Accountable!
- Foursquare Missions International
- Free Methodist Church
- Gospel for Asia
- Grace Brethren International Mission
- Int'l Church of the Foursquare Gospel
- International Mission Board, Southern Baptist
- International Pentecostal Holiness Church
- International Society for Frontier Mission
- Lausanne Theology Strategic Working Group
- Mislinks, A Web-based Missions Directory
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Mission Finder
- Mission Mobilization
- The Mission Station
- New Tribes Mission
- OMF International
- Operation Mobilization
- Pioneers, Inc.
- Prison Fellowship International
- Salvation Army
- SEND International World Mission
- SIM, Serving in Mission
- U.S. Center for World Mission
- URBANA InterVarsity Mission Convention
- William Carey Library
- World Mission Associates
- Youth With A Mission
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